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November 18th, 2023


Join us for our special event in Miami! 


According to the American Thyroid Association, more than 12 % of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime. Thyroid symptoms are often invisible. They can lead to a feeling of loneliness, of being abandoned by our loved ones who don’t understand us, by doctors who can’t treat us, and even by our bodies who seem to have betrayed us. People with thyroid disorders sometimes live in an internal state of depression, irritability or anxiety, with the feeling of enduring life rather than truly living it, or feeling disconnected from themselves. 


If our Western science helps reduce the severity of symptoms, it doesn’t currently offer cure or hope for permanently healing chronic thyroid conditions such as Hashimoto or Grave diseases. And yet, cases of remissions are increasingly common. We now hear testimonies of people who could reverse their symptoms and live a normal life free from medication after years of hormones intake. 

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Indeed, today the holistic vision that illness is not only happening in the physical, but is also linked to our state of being, is bringing new possibilities. We start to understand that the body is the messenger of a subconscious tension. It can be an emotional trauma, stress, fear, anger or a self-sabotaging program. At some points, these energy blocks become so dense that they take form as a reality in our body. 


Our inner landscape is sometimes made of rocks of trauma and rivers of sadness. They are the original wounds that we don’t see that are running our reactions and subconscious thought patterns and beliefs. 

The exploration of this landscape of devastation IS the healing. Once this landscape is contemplated, embraced, loved, blessed, the Great Alchemy happens and the Eden is revealed to us. Our shadows release their negative energy block and reveal unseen and unexpected strength and wisdom. Often some qualities we were admiring about others we are surprised to find that they were sleeping within us. 


There are different ways to connect to the root cause behind this emotional suffering in order to create a new state of being aligned with our joy rather than our pain-body. We have created this workshop to share with you the practices that have worked for us. Together, we will explore new ways of taking care of our bodies:


- Creating a healing lifestyle

- Detoxing the body and thyroid healing food 

- Identify our programs and conditioning behind the disease

- Explore practices to implement in the daily life to cleanse our body form the emotional suffering and move to a new state of being.


At LOJ healing we are not talking from theory. We have personally experienced that a disease is not a fate but an opportunity. We have discovered that the healing journey is not about returning to “normal”. It is much more exciting. It is about ascending our inner mountain to reach our highest potential. And with willpower and discipline, with self-kindness and self-love, the ascent becomes easy and enjoyable. 


It is no coincidence that the thyroid has a shape of a butterfly. It’s a call to embrace the healing path. Our body is signaling us that our life mission is to become vibrant and fly through life with grace and ease. People suffering from thyroid disorders and deciding to engage on a self-healing journey are caterpillars entering a chrysalis. As the human race is awakening to a new paradigm, our world will soon be colored by the wings of millions of beautiful butterflies. 

© 2023 by Light of Joy Healing

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