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Emotional Healing.

When our life is not unfolding according to our desires and dreams, or when our body is suffering, there is a block in our energy that is creating the issue. The limiting beliefs about ourselves, the emotional traumas stored in our body and psyche are disrupting our energy flow and causing the pain and the absence of flow in our life.


According to Michael Brown, author of "The Presence Process," our emotional body is formed between birth (including the birthing process) and 7 years of age. It is during this period that we develop our primary range of emotions. In fact, no new emotions will emerge later in life; they will only be reflections of these primary emotions, with varying degrees of vibrational intensity.

As strong negative emotions surge within our system during this developmental stage before our seventh year, they create the initial wounds in the psyche, along with coping mechanisms. Beliefs about ourselves start to build up and shape our identity. For example, we may feel unworthy of love, lose our inner power, experience low self-confidence, struggle with setting boundaries, or become entangled in toxic relationships.


This WOUNDED IDENTITY that is created by early painful feelings will shape the way we interpret and react to life events. As we encounter triggers in our present experiences, our subconscious mind processes the event, drawing upon our past emotional baggage to create its own interpretation. This interpretation is not accurate or objective; instead, it is often filtered through the lens of our past wounds and beliefs. This can lead to the formation or reinforcement of false beliefs about ourselves, such as "I am not worthy of love," "I am a failure"…

Breaking the cycle: emotional clearing

The Emotional body is constructed in layers, and that is why the process of clearing emotional baggage often involves addressing each layer individually, one step at a time. Like a set of Russian nesting dolls, emotions are wrapped within one another, with each layer representing a different aspect of our experiences, beliefs, and traumas. As we peel away each layer, we reveal deeper insights into ourselves and our emotional landscape, gradually unraveling the complexities of our inner world to find healing. As we begin to clear one layer of emotion, another will reveal itself, leading us closer to the root cause – the trauma that occurred before the age of 7. This root emotion stems from early childhood experiences, such as deep sadness or fear of abandonment.


Once an emotion is cleared and integrated, its trigger dissipates. However, life continually presents us with similar situations, providing opportunities for further clearing and growth. As we integrate these emotions, the triggers lose their power over us, and we cease to relive the same patterns. Ultimately, by addressing and integrating our inner emotional charges, we can break free from repetitive cycles and expand into new levels of self-awareness and fulfillment.


The breath has the extraordinary power to access the subconscious. By intensely activating the breath in the body, we bring the Flow of Life to those parts of us where the energy blocks are stuck, and through the power of the breath, we bring it to the surface and integrate it in the conscious mind. Once it becomes conscious, it is no longer working against us behind the scene but on the contrary, what was a weakness releases its negative charge and becomes a new potential that we integrate.


These emotional blockages manifest in our energy field as disruptions or imbalances. Energy work rebalances and addresses these disturbances, restoring harmony and flow to our energetic being. Through hands-on energy healing and sound, we can release stagnant energy, clear blockages, and facilitate the free flow of vital life force energy throughout the body.


To take it a step further, our energy is not separated from the infinite quantum field that we call Consciousness, or God, or the Universe. So when we have a perturbation within our mental or emotional body, this creates an obstruction to the life force circulating within us. This life force has only one goal: our expansion to take us to the purest version of ourselves, in perfect body, mind, and emotional health. When we have an obstruction, we don’t allow this Divine energy to flow within us to accomplish its Magic. This approach holds great power as it implies that we possess the power to heal. ​


We believe in the transformative power of the forces available within us - our own inner power, the breath, our consciousness, and the energy field. These are tools that our civilization may have -temporarily- lost connection with. But by working with these inner resources, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery and responsibility over our body, liberating the potential for profound empowerment.

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